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About FarmVestments

Our goal is to impact the way farmland is marketed and managed. We reach a greater audience, raise the awareness of the value and need for quality farmland, and diversify real estate holdings through farmland investments and ownership.

Additionally our team of advisors helps with estate planning, farm management, and taking commercial cost segregation approach to help land owners "LandVestors" be more profitable and better stewards of their land and legacy assets. 
Eric Nurmi, Broker
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Eric Nurmi has deep roots in the community with a farming and land development heritage going back generations. While no longer active farmers, his family still owns farmland, and Eric helps his clients by bringing expertise with over 20 years in the real estate industry.

Teaming Up with LANDiO

LANDiO reached out to Eric for local expertise when expanding to the midwest. Our relationship helps reach a greater audience and obtain top value for our sellers while kicking off our new approach to marketing farmland. We seek to move away from typical inside deals rampant in the farm broker industry and to provide the greatest exposure and reach of ownership opportunity of land.

As LANDiO's mission states: "Land is Opportunity."

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